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T150 (BPG20) – Elster Opto Pulse Unit (Non-Inductive Register)

The Elster T150 high-resolution opto pulse unit fits a range of older type Elster meters with non-inductive registers. When ordering, ensure that you require this unit and not the PR7 inductive pulse module, if in doubt, please contact us for clarification.

Retrofittable Opto Pulse with 5m Length Cable
H4000, S2000, C4000 & C4200 Elster Water Meters with Non-Inductive Register
1 Pulse Channel
Addition Outputs
Power Source
6-15V Required to power opto
Contact UsT150 - Pulse Module - PDF DatasheetElster now part of Honeywell

T150 - Elster Opto Pulse Unit (Non-Inductive Register)